Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Calm before The Storm

We close on our house on Wednesday and I am anticipating complete overload! Steven is at work and I am sitting at home going back and forth between a 90210 and Keeping up with The Kardashian marathon. I just can not decide which one I want to I will watch both :)

I am guessing this is 1 of the last peaceful, non hectic weekends for a while due to buying a home and football season...not to mention just regular day to day life. We close on Wednesday but then are leasing the house back to the current owners till Sunday. The next week we are having done like concrete seals, carpet replacement, and cleaning. Then Saturday, September 25th, is move day!

I haven't packed or really done a thing. Tomorrow I am going to go to Aledo to get some of my stuff out of my parents storage and maybe I will decide what my next project is but we will see.

Project 1 on the house is a rug and throw pillows! There are so many things we have but yet so many things we need that we have never needed lawn stuff...who wants to buy lawn stuff...not me!!! To bad we have too because we have yard now!

I think I will go back to 90210 and Keeping up with The Kardashians and enjoy my last Saturday of relaxation!!!

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