Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Nowruz

Every year Steven and I try our best to fly to the DC area to celebrate with his family for Nowruz. Nowruz is the celebration of the Iranian New Year. It is every spring typically in March. Talk about a party!! It is always such a fun trip that we both look forward too every year! We usually make a quick weekend trip up there but this year we actually took some time off and went for 5 nights. It was so relaxing to be away from Texas and just relax with his family. Steven contacted out State Representative and got us an appointment to tour the White House. It is nothing like what you would think. Very museum like!! They hurd you through like a bunch of cattle and you almost forget that you are even in the White House because it is just "typical museum like tour." Steven's cousin Pouya took us out on the town the next night and I was lucky enough to be the "DD." Steven enjoyed himself a little too much. We ate at a fabulous restarant and stopped through several clubs/ bars. The steaks was incredible but the sides where absolutely AAAMMAAZZING!!!! I love me some sides!!!

The rest of the time was spend relaxing and just hanging out with Steven's family which was so nice. We are usually go like crazy when we get to DC but this trip was very chill and relaxing. Saturday night was the Annual Nowruz Party with all of Steven's family and friends. There is really good food with lots of drinks and of course, Iranian music and dancing! It is such a great experience and so much fun!

Yasi is Steven's Cousin and could so be the Jasmine at Disney World! I kept telling her all week that she needs to move to Disney World for the summer and just be Jasmine from Aladdin! She would be perfect!! Yasi and I also share a birthday which is kinda neat!!

Steven and I enjoyed really great food and some really much needed quality time with eachother and his family! I am already looking forward to next!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dining Room Inspiration

I had totally given up on finding unique dining room chairs until this morning! All I have had in my dining room for months is the table and rug with a tad bit of wall decor but it is really bare. I just have not been able to find the chairs I want. I want something unique but yet not crazy expensive. I don't want anything that could possibly not work with children or be so expensive you have to make it work in another house one day because you can't part with them since you spent so much money on the chairs. So I don't want them to be my last set of dining room chairs and trust me Steven would make sure of that if we spend a lot of money on them!

It is hard to find these magical chairs and I had totally given up and decided on just going to some parson chairs and slipcovers which honestly is not the cheapesst option either! Well my girlfriend Amy posted on her blog this morning and it totally inspired me to keep the faith in my chairs!! She is on the same hunt! For unique inexpensive dining room chairs that might need a little personal touch! I totally stole this picture from her blog but I love this one! I am looking for a similiar look to this picture for my dining room.

My table was a GREAT is oak with a painted cream base and I have a sisal rug. I already have 1 cream slipcover and on Monday I should get the parson chair delivered to see if at least that chair will work out and if so I will get the 2nd one. Thanks to Amy I have been searching all day for chairs and actually found 4 on Craigslist that hopefully Steven and I can look at tomorrow.

Thanks Amy for the new found inspiration!!!